A Systematic Comparison of the Influence of the Hull Vane®, Interceptors, Trim Wedges, and Ballasting on the Performance of the 50 m AMECRC Series #13 Patrol Vessel”, by Kasper Uithof, Nils Hagemeister, Bruno Bouckaert, Perry van Oossanen and Niels Moerke, Published in the Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Technologies in Naval Design, Construction, & Operation (Warship 2016), Bath, England, 15-16 June 2016 (ID No. 5702).
This paper describes the results of a study into the relative merits of the Hull Vane®, interceptors, trim wedges and ballasting in reducing the running trim and the associated resistance at different speeds. Whereas all four devices and methods for obtaining the optimum running trim are shown to yield reductions in resistance, the application of the Hull Vane® on the subject hull is shown to the most favourable.